Sunday, July 18, 2021

Software development process

Software development process in c language.

what is software : 

Software is a collection of programs .Software is used to operate computer and doing specific task.
Software is a executable file which extension is .exe .
In this chapter we will discuss about how to make a software files in c programming language.

we will describe about the above figure about software development process.
If we make a simple programs  in c language, we make a  file  which extension is .c.
this is our source file in which we writes a programs.


preprocessor is a program which perform before compilation process.
# is a preprocessor directives so , all statement which are included with # compiles 
with the help of preprocessors.

Header files:

All explanation of preprocessors are written in header files .
so with preprocessor and header files we make  new file which extension is .i
all  #(preprocessor ) will be translated before makes .i files.


compiler translate our code into machine language, compiler select all the code 
at a time and translate it into machine code.

.obj file:

After compiling all the code we found a .obj file in which our machine code is 
present in form of (0 and 1) and after with the help of linker and library file we
make our .exe file

linker provide linking between compiler and library files.

library files are files in which all details are present about predefined function.

.exe file:

This is executable file ,which are called software.



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